To have a successful Halloween party, we think about what’s on the plate but also on the table to scare everyone.
Halloween, from decoration to plate
On October 31, we put the bloody plates in the chipped dishes for a truly horrific scenography. Fake hot dogs topped with severed fingers, bloody Halloween cupcakes adorned with broken glass, jet-black chicken drumsticks, the menu is sure to be spooky. But what about the decoration? Good news, certain ingredients can also easily be transformed into decoration worthy of the Day of the Dead. Cauliflower, to be placed on the table, can look like a brain by customizing it with a red marker, a pineapple easily replaces a pumpkin in the case of a leafy Jack O’lantern, and coloring black is perfect for transforming seductive candy apples into poisonous delicacies or small meringues into Halloween ghosts, to be placed as decoration before biting into them.
What recipe for a Halloween dessert?
Dessert is the dish that lends itself the most to the Halloween game. Thanks to red, black, orange food coloring, transparent melted sugar to break to suggest broken ice or even rolls of licorice to create spider legs, everything is good to transform your sweet delights into scary treats.
And for further inspiration, here is a host of ideas gleaned from Pinterest to reproduce urgently. Thrills guaranteed!