Burrata with bottarga, rocket and strawberries


  • 4 small burratas
  • 60 g of bottarga
  • 12 strawberries
  • 4 ripe black Crimean tomatoes
  • 100 g of rocket
  • olive oil

  • salt

  • pepper from the mill


  1. Remove each burrata from its packaging, drizzle with olive oil and grate the bottarga over it (taking care to remove the wax). Set aside.

  2. Gently rinse the strawberries and tomatoes.

  3. Dice the tomatoes, quarter the strawberries and put everything in a salad bowl. Add 2 tbsp. olive oil, salt and pepper. Rinse the arugula.

  4. Divide the strawberries and tomatoes between each plate, gently break up the burrata and place on top. Sprinkle with rocket leaves. Enjoy.

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