How to choose and cook white asparagus?

Everything you need to know about white asparagus

Why we love them

They contain vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, potassium, calcium, magnesium, asparagine which is diuretic, and very few calories: 25 Kcal /100 g.

How to choose white asparagus

Rigid, smooth and shiny, with few scales and tight buds. The break at the base should be very clear and juicy. The boot must be heavy. Choose them of the same size as much as possible to make cooking easier. Contrary to popular belief, bigger is better.

How to prepare them

Peel them from the head to the foot using a peeler; there are specially adapted ones with a curved blade. To achieve this more easily, hold the asparagus flat on the table by the stem, start about 10 cm from the tip (the idea is to be able to eat it all the way through). Wash and drain.

How to store them

No more than two or three days, placed in a cool place in the vegetable drawer surrounded by a damp cloth.

How to cook white asparagus

Steam cooking is the least risky, it avoids breaking the ends and preserves the texture of the asparagus (allow 7 minutes). After tying them into a bundle, you can also immerse them in a pot of boiling salted water for 10 minutes. Drain them and immerse them in ice water to stop their cooking. In all cases, test their cooking with the tip of a knife, so you can enjoy them al dente or tender depending on your taste, then reserve them on a dry cloth.

White asparagus season

The season is very short (2 months), be aware that blanched asparagus freezes very well.

Discover the recipe for Asparagus, brocciu with wild garlic

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