How to choose the right red fruits?

Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, redcurrants and blackcurrants, even if some are black in appearance, together, these small fruits are part of the red fruit family. They are extremely tasty and stand out from other fruits such as apples and watermelon, rich in water; or bananas, more substantial in the mouth. With their lightness in the mouth and pronounced taste, almost acidic for some, red fruits are reminiscent of small candies. The only downside is that they are very fragile. The slightest blow and a redcurrant, blackberry or raspberry is crushed. So, take care of them and handle them with care.

When choosing red fruits, pay attention to these two criteria

When choosing red fruits, there is a risk: buying strawberries or raspberries that lack taste or are too acidic. To avoid this unpleasant, almost frustrating surprise, here are some tips for choosing your red fruits. As a reminder, unlike apples or bananas, red fruits stop ripening once picked. It is therefore preferable to buy them when ripe, because if you take strawberries that are still too light or green, for example, do not expect them to turn red in the days to come. So check their appearance and smell carefully, you will not have the right to make a mistake!


Visually, if it is not serious that the rind of a watermelon or a melon is slightly damaged, for red fruits, (as they are small and not protected by a skin or rind that is removed before eating), it is better to focus on beautiful products. Instead, choose very red strawberries, with a green stalk (without a yellow area between its stalk and the red of its flesh), bright black blackberries and, in all cases, firm and colorful fruits. No green spots or soft or crushed areas, these fruits must be perfect.

The smell

Whether they are in bulk or in a tray, take the time to smell the scent that is released. The more a red fruit reveals a gourmet and fruity scent, the riper it is and, above all, the better it is to taste.

Once purchased, red fruits should be consumed quickly, within 5 days on average after purchase, and should be kept cool. In these times of high heat (a climate that these fruits cannot tolerate), it is better to place them, covered, in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.

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