To stock up on energy, boost your immunity and fight against stress, there’s nothing like relying on good allies on the plate. Ideal products, good combinations and recipes to die for, we tell you everything!
“Winter blues caused by falling light, seasonal depression is a reality,” explains Dr. Catherine Lacrosnière, nutrition expert. In Europe, nearly 5% of the population is affected, the majority of whom are women. In this winter which combines uncertainty, economic tension and health crisis, psychological discomfort is exploding. Can we limit our metabolic and psychological fragility by rethinking our plates? As Dr Lacrosnière recalls, “numerous studies have highlighted the links between diet and morale. We now know that an undernourished brain is more sensitive to stress, daily difficulties, and vulnerable to anxiety, while certain substances can have an “antidepressant” effect. Nutrients from plants, fatty fish, cocoa or oilseeds stimulate the production of neurotransmitters involved in our moods, while reducing inflammation in our bodies, which has positive effects on the microbiota and metabolism. The vast majority of patients who review their diet report a real improvement in their condition and mood,” she continues. The fact remains that it is in no way a diet (in essence transitional and restrictive), but a new way of looking at long-term nutrition. On the plate, we plead for pleasure and flavors, energy and good humor!
What neurotransmitters are involved?
Beyond the smiles of loved ones, our mood is linked to the activity of neurotransmitters and hormones synthesized from amino acids present in food. Dopamine and norepinephrine, produced from tyrosine, are involved in energy, vitality and learning. Serotonin and melatonin, from tryptophan, promote calm and serenity. Other substances come into play: magnesium which regulates mood, selenium which reduces the risk of depression, vitamins B1, B6, B9 and B12 which help transform tryptophan into serotonin, vitamin D whose deficiency plays a role in the states depressive, omega-3 beneficial for the brain…
What foods to put on the plate?
Lemons, oranges, clementines and other mandarins strengthen our immune defenses thanks to their vitamin C content. But this vitamin is also involved in neuronal transmissions and the metabolism of neurotransmitters.
Gifted in terms of fiber, vitamin E and antioxidants, the almond is rich in tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin. About ten per day, always healthy!
Rich in tryptophan, dopamine, vitamin B6, magnesium and potassium, this fruit is lighter (135 calories in a medium banana compared to 100 calories for an apple) than it seems.
If it does us good, it is because it contains magnesium, an anti-stress mineral which regulates nervous, psychological and emotional balance. We prefer it in the form of dark chocolate to limit sugar intake.
Ricotta, bush, feta, mozzarella… All these dairy products are rich in whey and tryptophan. They also contain vitamin B12, the deficiency of which often seems linked to irritable mood or memory problems.
They are antidepressant thanks to their vitamin B9 (folic acid) content, essential for the synthesis of neurotransmitters. Combine with a good source of vitamin C, such as citrus fruits or peppers.
Brazil nut
Many of us are deficient in selenium, an immunity booster. The solution ? One or two Brazil nuts per day are enough to cover our needs.
Its yolk is full of vitamin D, while its proteins are easily digestible. To be put on the menu regularly to limit meat consumption.
Their low glycemic index helps stabilize blood sugar levels. They also provide magnesium, fiber and B group vitamins.
Oily fish
Oily fish such as sardines, salmon, herring, anchovies, or mackerel contain high amounts of omega-3 or DHA, promoting the diffusion of serotonin and endorphins in the brain.
Complete rice
Another food rich in tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin. In addition, its fibers are friends of the microbiota.
Turkey and chicken are sources of tryptophan, while calf or poultry livers are full of strengthening and anti-stress elements: zinc, vitamin A, vitamin B6, iron, selenium, etc.
What else to do?
• Avoid fatty, salty and sugary foods as much as possible, lacking in antioxidants and fiber, as well as rich in trans fatty acids. Real fake friends!
• Have regular physical activity: walking, cycling, running, yoga… The simple act of sweating a little stimulates the body.
• Take care of your sleep by not heating the bedroom, turning off all electronic devices and going to bed at regular times.
• Show kindness towards yourself. Let’s not add pressure to pressure by imposing new constraints or demands on ourselves.
• Favor manual activities that generate “flow”, a feeling of pleasure and mastery, such as sewing, DIY, gardening and cooking!
• Allow yourself “free” moments: no screens, no books, no radio, just time to daydream. It is during these periods that the brain draws information.
Read to go further
• “Gourmet Anti-Inflammatory Cuisine” by Catherine Lacrosnière and Ruben Sarfati (ed. Hugo New Life).
• “These foods that make you happy” by Bernard Fontanille and Marie-Laurence Grézaud (ed. J’ai Lu).
• “Eat well, eat well” by Michel Cymes and chef Damien (ed. Webedia Books).
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