A rehabilitated cereal
“The fourth most cultivated cereal in the world, barley is mainly used, when germinated and fermented, in the production of beer, whiskey, etc.,” reveals Justine Knapp, culinary journalist and author of “L’Orge” ( ed. de l’Épure). Infused as “a coffee substitute during the war in France, before being forgotten, it is a source of diversity in plant-based cuisine, particularly in the form of grains to cook like starchy foods or flakes for breakfast,” adds Manon Fleury. in his cookbook “Céréales” (ed. Flammarion).
A precious seed
“Pearled barley” is a polished grain, devoid of its germ and some of its nutrients. It is the same cereal as so-called “hulled” barley which remains “whole”, with a longer cooking time and a more pronounced nutty taste. “Interesting for its richness in soluble fibers (betaglucans) which regulate transit without irritating the microbiota, its low glycemic index helps reduce cholesterol levels,” explains nutritionist Angélique Houlbert.
A frozen recipe
“Barley brings a depth of taste to dishes from starter to dessert,” enthuses Michelin-starred chef Sébastien Bras of La Halle aux Grains (Paris-1er). As proof: he had the idea to overcome the signature chocolate flow of a simplified barley ice cream. “In an oven at 200°C, toast 50 g of whole barley for 10 minutes on a baking tray. In a saucepan, warm 350 g of oat milk. Pour in the toasted barley. Cover and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Mix and filter. Heat the infused milk with 150 g of fluid cream, 50 g of caster sugar, 30 g of milk powder and 2.5 g of ice stabilizer. Bring this mixture to 85°C then set aside in the refrigerator for 12 hours. The next day, churn until you obtain a smooth and creamy texture. »