How to easily reduce the glycemic index of my pancakes?

The pancakes, unavoidable delicacies of the candlestick, are making their comeback annual this Sunday, February 2. Even if we love it, the pancakes, composed mainly of refined white flour, milk, eggs and sugar, have a high glycemic index (IG), around 65 to 70. Fortunately, there are simple and tasty tips To reduce this glycemic index, without compromising their taste or texture.

Understand the glycemic index

To summarize, this measurement assesses the speed at which the carbohydrates present in a food increase the level of blood sugar. On a scale of 0 to 100, the Pure glucose GLU is fixed at 100, and this value serves as a reference to classify other foods in three categories: low, medium and high glycemic index. Low, below 55; means, from 55 to 70; and finally, high, above 70. Three categories to which the very low index recently added, below 35. When you consume a very sweet food, your blood sugar increases very quickly, and the body reacts for Reduce this peak. A reaction which leads to a drop in blood sugar and which therefore encourages you to consume sweet foods again. Stabilize your blood sugar will therefore avoid these unpleasant blood sugar levels and the vicious circle they cause.

Reduce the glycemic index with low IG alternatives


The first lever, and one of the most effective, to lower the IG of pancakes is to replace the widely used white sugar, with an IG of 70, which instantly increases blood sugar. That of coconut flower sugar is a good alternative with 54, and that of agave syrup is located at 25. Sweets which, in addition to a low glycemic index, have the advantage of having a cuffs tenfold tenfold . That is to say that you need to put less than white sugar. Otherwise, you can simply remove sugar from the dough, which will allow you to use it for sweet and savory preparations.


The choice of flour, an essential element of preparation, is not to be overlooked either. White wheat flour, with an IG of 85, is indeed one of the main responsible for the increase in blood sugar. So choose low -glycemic and fiber -rich glycemic index that will slow the digestion of carbohydrates. For example, buckwheat flour, gluten-free, complete or semi-complete flour, rich in fiber and nutrients or chickpea flour with a particularly low index of 35.

The addition of fibers

Finally, to reduce the glycemic index of your pancakes – and your pastries in general – you can add fibers and proteins that will slow the absorption of carbohydrates by the body. So add 1 tbsp to your dough. oat sound, or Greek yogurt.

Good accompaniments

Failing to use sugary jams and industrial spreads, use fresh seasonal fruit – kiwis, apples, pears, citrus -, compotes, oilseed pasta – almonds or hazelnuts – or pasta to pasta to pasta Homemade spread.

Reducing the glycemic index of your pancakes is therefore not very complicated: just choose ingredients and alternatives suitable for balanced pancakes, suitable for everyone, including those seeking to regulate their blood sugar. To your stoves!

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