Should you store zucchini in the refrigerator?

You may reflexively place your zucchini in the refrigerator or in the vegetable basket on the kitchen counter. Which of the two storage methods is best for this vegetable? Answer here.

Do not place zucchini in the refrigerator

Zucchini, originally from Mexico, is not used to cold climates. In the refrigerator where temperatures are below 10°C, this vegetable will be particularly sensitive. It is therefore likely to wilt more quickly, after a week, compared to three weeks if it had been kept at room temperature. Not to mention that if the zucchini is refrigerated for too long, its taste also suffers. Unless you leave it for a few minutes in the room air before eating it once out of the refrigerator, you will lose flavor.

How to store zucchini properly

As you will have understood, to avoid altering the quality, taste and texture of the zucchini, simply leave it at room temperature. Away from sunlight and without piling up on top of other zucchini so that they do not crush. In these conditions, the zucchini will keep for several weeks, otherwise, for long-term storage, opt for freezing. To do this and ensure that you keep all the nutrients in the vegetable, immerse the sliced ​​zucchini in boiling water for 5 minutes. Immerse it in iced water and then drain it. The zucchini remains raw and is ready to be put in a freezer bag and sent to the freezer.

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