Vanilla flan


For the pastry cream

  • 300 g of cream with 35% mg
  • 900 g of milk
  • 2 g of vanilla seeds
  • 200 g whole eggs
  • 160 g of egg yolks
  • 90 g cornstarch
  • 150 g of sugar

For the puff pastry

  • 185 g t65 flour (1)

  • 8 g of salt
  • 83 g of cold water
  • 55 g melted butter + a little to grease the circle
  • 1 g of white vinegar
  • 85 g t65 flour (2)
  • 220 g of creamed butter


  1. Prepare the pastry cream: in a saucepan, heat the cream, milk and vanilla. Blanch the eggs, yolks, sugar and starch. Pour the hot liquid over this mixture, return to the heat and cook, whisking, until you obtain the consistency of custard. Store it immediately in a cool place, filmed in contact.

  2. Prepare the puff pastry: dilute the salt in water, add the melted butter and vinegar. Add the flour (1) and mix until the dough is smooth.

  3. Make a crème manié with the remaining flour (2) and the butter. Spread it into a square and keep it cool.

  4. Spread the dough to form a square with a side of 15 cm, place the beurre manié in the center and close by sealing the edges so that the butter does not escape. Make 1 single turn then 2 double turns, leaving to rest for 2 hours between each turn.

  5. Spread the dough. Line a buttered pastry ring. Cook it blind with a weight for 20 min at 170°C (th. 5-6). Leave to cool.

  6. Mix the cold pastry cream until it relaxes and bubbles up. Pour it into the base of the tart, 0.5 cm from the edge. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes at 170°C (th. 5-6).

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