Foods good for health
Feeling tired?
We choose the avocado stuffed with egg (for 1 person): preheat the oven to 180°C/th. 6. Cut 1 avocado in half. Pit it. Dig the hole a little. Crack 1 egg into each half. Add 1/2 chopped red onion, 1 pinch of fennel seeds and 2 pinches of Espelette pepper. Season with salt and bake for 10 minutes. Enjoy with chervil. Good to know: if hot avocado combined with egg (protein) has regenerating effects for the body, the properties of red onion are also interesting. According to an Indian study carried out in 2017 by the journal “PPAR Research”, this condiment allows better use of energy by the muscles.
Troubled sleep?
We prepare a cream with honey and rose water (for 3 people): infuse 1 pinch of hibiscus flower in 50 cl of hot oat milk for 15 minutes. Filter. With a whisk, incorporate 4 tbsp. of oat cream in milk. Then put 3 tbsp. tablespoons of acacia honey and place everything over low heat. When the mixture has thickened, add 3 tbsp. tablespoon of rose water. Good to know: bad habits (watching Netflix or chatting on social networks until 2 a.m., etc.) make it harder to fall asleep. Rose water and honey limit the release of adrenaline and cortisol, responsible for nervousness. Ideal for curling up in the arms of Morpheus without difficulty.
Skin problems?
We rely on a coleslaw with apricots, yogurt sauce (for 2 people): wash and chop 400 g of white cabbage. Cut 4 dried apricots into small pieces. In another container, mix 1 yogurt, 1 tbsp. tablespoons of whole-grain mustard, 1 tbsp. teaspoon of rapeseed oil and the juice of 1 lemon. Salt and pepper. Combine all the ingredients and stir. Serve immediately. Good to know: cabbage restores the skin’s radiance and cleanses it, due to the antioxidants and phytochemicals it contains. It therefore helps to remove toxins in the blood which are responsible for dull and damaged skin. Apricot, a source of trace elements and vitamin A, will boost its effects for a healthy glow all year round.
A lack of energy?
We make spring rolls (for 2 people): boil 100 g of rice noodles. Turn off the heat and let sit for 20 minutes before draining. Wash 8 lettuce leaves, 16 mint leaves, removing the central rib, and sprouted alfalfa (alfalfa) seeds. Grate 1 raw beet and 1 lemon into very thin slices. Immerse 1 rice paper in very hot water and place it in front of you. Place all the ingredients in the center, fold the sides and roll the bottom up, tightly. Repeat the operation for 8 rolls, and serve with soy sauce. Good to know: because they have just emerged from their seeds, alfalfa sprouts are full of all the energy used during germination. Rice is a slow sugar, excellent before exercising. As a result, we would be (almost!) ready for a half marathon!
What to eat during your period?
“We must avoid pro-inflammatory foods, rich in saturated fatty acids (red meat, cheese, etc.), explains Dr. Chicheportiche-Ayache, a nutritionist, because they promote the production of prostaglandins, “pseudo-hormones” responsible for uterine contractions, and therefore pain. We would rather opt for fatty fish, full of omega-3, served with vegetables such as artichokes or turnips. In the morning, we will prefer cereals for digestive comfort and we will split meals (ideally one breakfast, two light meals and two snacks) in case of nausea. »
Also read What to eat to be healthy?