How is Easter celebrated around the world?
From the United States to Australia, via Russia, there are many culinary traditions to celebrate Easter, depending on your religion and culture. Everyone has their own way, depending on their country but also sometimes their region pulls out all the stops. So traditionally in France the bells stop ringing from Thursday to Saturday of Holy Week and return from Rome on the evening of Easter Saturday or Sunday, pouring eggs and other chocolate casseroles into the gardens and orchards. At the table, the family usually gathers around a traditional lamb dish, combined with small green spring vegetables. What about elsewhere? World tour of Easter culinary traditions.
How is Easter celebrated in Italy?
A brioche in the shape of doves, a symbol of good news, is made by mamas and Easter lamb is the dish traditionally served on Easter Sunday.
How is Easter celebrated in Spain?
The Easter cake is the mona, a brioche on which, before cooking, real hard-boiled eggs are sometimes placed with the shell which is broken over the head of a person at the table.
How is Easter celebrated in England?
A symbol of luck for the English, pig is served in the form of ham instead of lamb and it is not uncommon on Good Friday to have hot cross buns filled with dried fruit at the table. and spices, with a cross on top symbolizing resurrection (hot cross buns).
How is Easter celebrated in Russia?
The (chicken) eggs are naturally colored with onion skins to give them a pretty red-brown color which is traditionally served at the table with buttered lamb or baked ham and for dessert, kulich (a rum and saffron cake) and paskha (desserts made from cottage cheese).
How is Easter celebrated in Greece?
On the menu there are obviously eggs and lamb but also a tripe soup in which the heart and lungs of the Easter lamb have been cooked. At the table, tsoureki, a braided brioche bread sprinkled with almond slivers, is garnished with one or more hard-boiled eggs whose shell has been painted red.
How is Easter celebrated in the United States?
Forget the bells, here it's Easter Bunny bringing chocolates, candies and marshmallows!
How is Easter celebrated in Germany?
It is the Easter hare who places the chocolate eggs in the nests prepared by the children.
How is Easter celebrated in Australia?
Responsible for significant damage on the continent, the rabbit is replaced by the chocolate Easter bilby, another small rodent with big ears, on the verge of extinction.