Here's the simple trick to revive tired salad

Well sheltered in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator, you have let the days pass and forgotten to eat your salad… As a result, the latter has lost its vigor and its crunchy leaves have become “soft” and have not nothing appetizing anymore. Good news: there is no need to throw it away! The salad has simply lost its water and we can simply “rehydrate” it.

How to rehydrate a wilted salad?

To give it all the crunch it deserves, we remove – if necessary – the leaves from the stem of the salad, then we immerse them in a bowl of cold water. You can even cool the water further by slipping in a few ice cubes to make the process easier. Then place the salad bowl in the fridge for 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the condition of your salad. The more withered it is, the longer it will take.

A tip to use with other ingredients

Good news again, this tip works for other foods, like basil which comes back to life thanks to ice water. But it’s not the only aromatic herb that can be revived with water! We think about it whatever the product. Another food, same effect, we reproduce the experience for softened radishes which will thus regain all their crunchiness.

Water is life, let us never forget that.

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