How to make a Christmas log without cooking?

An Italian Christmas log

With its crushed amaretti, its creamy texture, and its delicate flavor of toasted almonds, the semifreddo is our new favorite no-cook log for a successful party menu.

The technique? We prepare a firm whipped cream based on liquid cream and mascarpone. At the same time, we beat our whites until stiff, which we delicately incorporate into the vanilla and sweetened egg yolks. Add the tasty crushed amaretti and mix everything together. We pour our preparation into a film-covered mold, then head to the freezer. 8 hours later, we unmold the semifreddo, which we sprinkle with previously toasted flaked almonds.

Discover the recipe for Semifreddo with amaretti and almonds

A no-cook tiramisu-style Christmas log

Simply mounted in a cake mold, tiramisu turns into the ideal Christmas dessert!

The technique? Heat softened gelatin with a little mascarpone. Separately, mix together mascarpone, egg yolks, sugar, whipped cream, and heated gelatin. We then delicately incorporate the whipped egg whites. Pour a base of cream into a cake mold lined with film, add biscuits soaked in coffee, and repeat the operation twice, finishing with cream. Leave to cool, unmold and cover with bitter cocoa powder.

Discover the recipe for frozen Tiramisù

© Valéry Guedes

A vegan no-cook Christmas log

A soft and airy texture, a delicate aroma of coconut milk, and an appearance worthy of a Christmas story: we love the vegan no-cook log.

The technique? Nothing could be easier: mix the coconut milk, blond cane sugar, liquid vanilla extract, silken tofu and agar-agar. Pour the mixture into a saucepan, before bringing to the boil. After 2 minutes, pour everything into a log or cake mold, and leave to cool to room temperature. Unmold and decorate the creation using grated coconut. A delight to serve with a fruity coulis.

Discover the recipe for snowy log with tofu and coconut milk


© Soy / Marie Lafôret

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