Lamb carpaccio and eggplant caviar


  • 4 beautiful eggplants
  • 250 g of lamb saddle
  • olive oil

  • 200 g salad leaves
  • vinegar


  1. Bake the eggplants at 180°/th.6 for 1 hour. Then turn on the grill and “burn” the eggplant skin underneath for 20 minutes. Collect the flesh of the eggplants without the skin and let it drain for 30 minutes in a sieve.

  2. Meanwhile, carefully degrease the lamb saddle, then slice it finely before flattening each piece using a meat hammer. Divide the meat over 4 plates and set aside to cool.

  3. Mix the eggplant flesh and season it with salt, pepper and a touch of olive oil. Serve the eggplant caviar on the lamb carpaccio and accompany with a salad of well-seasoned sprouts.

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