Tested and approved: the trick to finding the bean in the galette des rois

Let’s be honest, when you enjoy a frangipane galette or a brioche des rois, half the pleasure is finding the bean. No matter our age, there is a certain pride in wearing a golden crown, certainly made of cardboard, but which gives us the (well-deserved) status of king or queen of the day.
But then, how can you be sure to find the precious sesame? By examining all the parts? Too obvious. By eating the whole cake? Very effective, but too indigestible… Feel the pancake before serving? Too risky… Fortunately for the worst losers among us, there is a simple and unstoppable technique.

Also read >> How to make the galette des rois with almond cream by Cyril Lignac?

How to find the bean in the galette des rois?

Be careful, what we are about to reveal to you risks disrupting your future Epiphanies, or even changing your life forever. Take a deep breath, get ready, let’s go.
The secret is that under each pancake there is a distinctive mark marking the location of the bean. Check for yourself in bakeries and stores, you will surely find a cross, a circle, a punch… under the king cake. Very practical to avoid falling on it when cutting the pieces. A situation that happens to all of us, at least once during this period. Also remember to be discreet when you return the pancake. You could spoil the fun of your guests, or worse, be accused of cheating. Nothing better to spoil the mood and start the year.

Of course, this tip also works if you prepare a homemade galette or brioche des rois. After shaping the cake and inserting the bean, draw a cross under the bottom indicating the location. A step to do before putting it in the oven, of course.
All you have to do is put on your most innocent look and act as a surprise during the tasting.

Happy Epiphany!

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