While you hesitated at Christmas between smoked trout and smoked salmon, for New Year’s Eve your choice is made: it will be smoked salmon! But which one?
Red label and organic at low prices
The survey of “60 million consumers” gives us a clue: smoked salmon raised in Scotland from U Saveurs sold for 4.20 euros for 80 g (5.25 for 100 grams). This red label salmon was named the best out of 20 references judged by a panel of 63 experts. The latter evaluated the taste, the salt and pollutant content while taking into account the cost.
In second position in the ranking, we find organic Atlantic salmon from Bio Village, sold for 3.33 euros for 65 g (5.12 euros for 100 grams). To finish this top 3, La Norway smoked salmon from Labeyrie, sold at 6.27 euros for 140 g (4.48 euros for 100 grams). This data also shows that national brands are not always more expensive than store brands. You should always look at the entire aisle, then the ingredients or the labels before making a choice.
The smoked salmon which finished in last position in the test are considered too salty by the experts “probably due to the use of a brine rather than dry salt for the first-price brands”, explains the magazine 60 million consumers.