Chef's opinion: Adding an egg on pizza, is it really Italian?

Among the supplements commonly offered on the menu of pizzerias in France, we sometimes find an “egg supplement”. Pietro Rabboni assures us, this fried egg that is added to the center of the pizza a few minutes before it comes out of the oven is in fact absolutely unimaginable for Italians. If you are passing through Rome, Milan or Naples soon, do not try to ask a waiter for this type of supplement, they will not know what to answer you. At best, he’ll drop half a hard-boiled egg on your order, perfect for confusing everyone.

Why add an egg when you already have good ingredients?

When we tell him that when we asked for an egg supplement in Sicily, the waiter served us a hard-boiled egg cut in half and placed on the pizza, Pietro is not surprised. “I understand that pizza makers are perplexed by this request,” he reacts to this anecdote. In France, the so-called “egg supplement” on pizza is generally a fried egg. However, for Italians, this addition is far from being part of their habits.

The chef explains it to us: “The waiters are not used to it and don’t know how to handle this situation. Asking an Italian for this extra is like asking him: “I’m willing, but what do I do with the egg?” » As a Sicilian, I can tell you that I have never seen this. Neither in Sicily, nor in Italy. In general, when you ask for a pizza supplement in an Italian pizzeria, it’s already very surprising to ask for it. Initially, there is none at all. »

“When you use really good ingredients, you don’t need to add anything else. »

Pietro tells us: “You know, when I eat a pizza, I always eat the Margherita because it is known, when you eat a Margherita, you enjoy the tomato sauce, the good mozzarella, no need to add an egg whose taste will take over that of the tomato, so delicious too! “.

Clearly, from a chef’s eye, even if the texture provided by the egg on the pizza is pleasant in the mouth, taste-wise, it has no interest on the pizza.

Be careful, however, Toni tells us, if you combine it well, “it can be done”.

Mastering the Art of Egg on Pizza

If pineapple on pizza is for Pietro and many other Italians a “sacrilege”, the egg is not. Open-minded, he assures us “I won’t judge someone who asks for an egg on their pizza, it’s just astonishing”.

If for him the egg on the pizza has nothing transcendent, he still tried to suggest to us how to give it a taste interest, so that at least lovers of this supplement use it correctly.

Make a slightly gourmet topping

Pietro tempers his remarks. Certainly, “the taste of the egg risks taking over, but it is true that if you cook it or add it in a way other than the dish, it can be of interest. The question is interesting because ultimately, what you have to ask yourself is: What am I going to add to my pizza with the taste of egg? »

“The important thing is not to add the egg as is. You have to create something, have an idea when you put an egg on pizza. »

Grated egg in marinade

Even if it means adding egg to the pizza, you might as well do it well. “Why not add pickled egg, or even dry pickled egg, for example, with salt and sugar? You can even add a little taste of balsamic vinegar before grating it on the pizza.”

In this way, the egg, in addition to being tastier, will not only be in the center of the pizza, but subtly distributed over its entire surface. If you are not a fan of marinated eggs, you can also grate a dried egg with coarse salt and smoked paprika.

From now on, we stop adding egg to our pizza, at least, if we do, we do it… Italian style!

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