How to filter your water using bananas?

This may seem strange, even impossible, but the banana filters water. Its skin absorbs toxins from the water, a reaction similar to that of a water filter jug. It is therefore not only a fruit to consume but also to reuse. A good way to save money and avoid wasting leftover bananas.

Purifying your water, a common practice

Purifying tap water makes it softer and above all removes up to 99% of bacteria, pollutants, pesticides and any other harmful elements that may still be contained there. For good reason, even if the water supplied by the national network is carefully treated beforehand, the taste is not changed. This is why it is possible to smell a slight aftertaste of chlorine in your tap water. Thanks to home filter jug ​​systems, the water is softer and has a more neutral taste.

A banana, better than a filter jug?

Beyond the cost of a filter jug ​​(up to €100 for the most sophisticated), it can be bulky. According to Brazilian researchers, there is another, faster and even more effective way to treat water: banana skins. An economical and foolproof purification technique, since the carboxylic acids naturally contained in banana peels are compatible to bind to metals in water. Once chopped, banana peels are even a better filter than devices purchased in supermarkets. For good reason, during the study by researchers at the Botacatu Biosciences Institute, the banana skin would have absorbed nearly 97% of the lead particles contained in the water then treated. All without going through chemical transformation or modulation stages.

Filter the water with the banana peel

To carry out this natural filtering, dry previously chopped banana peels. Keep them in a carafe of water for a few hours then remove them. The metals and pollutants in the water will leave with the skins, retained by natural reaction.

Now you will know what to do before throwing away the peelings.

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