Here Are the 6 Best Brain Foods According to a Harvard Expert

Mental health and diet are linked in the same way that the brain and the gut are. The reason? These two organs originate from the same cells in the embryo and remain connected as the human being develops. “So there is a direct link between diet and mood,” explains Uma Naidoo, the Harvard specialist, in a recent interview with BBC Mundo. Enough to worry about what goes on our plates.

Nutrition underestimated

Naidoo, director of nutritional and lifestyle psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital, shares her passion for cooking. When she was in medical school, she realized there wasn’t enough training in nutrition, and when she specialized in psychiatry, she needed to establish more understanding of the relationship between diet and mental health.

At the end of 2022, the expert had already spoken in the BBC World media about the impact of B vitamins (B-12, B-9 and B-1) on the brain to keep it young and healthy. On that occasion, the psychiatrist associated a selection of foods that she still considers today as beneficial for improving mood and stimulating brain capacity.

Uma Naidoo’s List of Brain-Friendly Foods

The nut

Resembling a brain, the walnut had, since the Middle Ages, the reputation of treating mental illnesses and intellectual fatigue. This fruit is rich in omega-3, fatty acids essential for the proper functioning of the brain. The psychiatrist, nutritionist and professor at the University recommends consuming a quarter cup each day that you can include in your salads or eat as a snack. It is also important to know that the vitamins and minerals contained in dried fruits in general ensure the proper functioning of the brain and accelerate the speed of comprehension.


In addition to adding flavor and color to our plates, spices have antioxidant properties that help reduce stress. As for turmeric and saffron, they alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Dark chocolate

We often comfort ourselves with a bar of chocolate. It is not for nothing that we say that it is good for morale since consuming it directly influences our good mood, and helps to reduce depressive symptoms thanks to the magnesium it contains. But choose it dark to benefit from all its benefits. A survey conducted in 2019 among 13,000 adults reveals that regular consumers of dark chocolate run a 70% lower risk of developing symptoms of depression.

The lawyers

Studies have shown that depression is linked to a magnesium deficiency. Avocados, which we love to eat in the summer, are an excellent source of potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure, but especially magnesium.

Fermented foods

Kefir, kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut, yogurts, the list is long but we know that these fermented foods improve the intestinal flora but they especially contribute to reducing stress. The fermentation of foods improves the assimilation of nutrients and promotes a reduction of lactose in dairy products.

Green leafy vegetables

“Vegetables like spinach, chard, and dandelion greens are also a great source of folic acid,” says the expert. Whether it’s spinach, kale, or bok choy, these vegetables protect against cognitive decline. We’ll explain. They contain vitamin E, carotenoids, flavonoids, and are sources of vitamin B9.

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