Here's the easy trick to recycling apple peels into a gourmet snack

Apples are perfect in winter, to be used in compote, sweet winter tarts, or even seasonal crumble. So many delicious desserts that are generally prepared with peeled apples, even if this step is not obligatory. If you prefer to go through the peeling process, what should you do with your apple peels? It would be a shame to throw perfectly edible food into the trash. Here’s the trick to recycling them into delicious, chewable chips.

How to recycle apple peels into sweet chips?

If you want to eat apple peels, you should first be careful to choose fruits of organic origin.
Whether you peel your fruit with a knife, peeler or vegetable shaver, only the thickness of flesh remaining on the peel will change.
Then simply place the peels on a plate and lightly sugar them. Finally, put them in the oven for around 15 minutes at 170°C. If necessary, extend the cooking for an additional 5 minutes. And here are homemade apple chips, delicious and easy to cook.

For an even lighter snack, skip the sugar and you can even lightly sprinkle your peels with powdered cinnamon for a seasonal treat.

We eat these crispy chips quickly, otherwise they unfortunately soften in a flash.

An anti-waste idea, easy to implement after baking the main cake, for example.

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