How to prepare gluten -free pancakes?

How to prepare gluten -free pancake dough?

By choosing flours that do not contain gluten (rice, corn, lens, chestnut …) The pancake dough is less flexible and soft than a paste made from wheat flour. If we keep the same quantities of alternative flours as wheat flour in the recipes, well seen to add a touch of fresh cream (a tablespoon) or a little melted butter, to avoid having Too dry pancakes.

Good to know, with a gluten -free paste, it is not necessary to rest the dough, but you have to think of stirring its preparation before pouring it into the pan, because the starch tends to fall to the bottom of bowl. Finally, adding a small amount of yeast is a tip to adopt to ventilate the texture of the dough.

What flours for gluten -free pancakes?

Rice flour, gluten -free, is particularly digestible. Whether semi-complete (richer in fiber) or white (its flavor is then finer), it can be used alone or why not associate it, in small quantities, with precuited rice flakes, for him Give a different texture. Ideally, we think of swelling them for a few minutes in lukewarm milk before adding them.
And for more soft pancakes, we opt for sticky rice flour (on sale in Asian stores).

If the cornstarch can replace 100 %wheat flour, we also think of quinoa flour which because of its somewhat typed taste, can be associated with a softer flour (rice) for gluten -free pancakes rather sweet. Conversely, we will prefer to reserve the very typical chickpea flour for salted pancake recipes. Just like lentil flour, rich in starch and fiber.

And for gluten -free and lactose -free pancakes?

If cow’s milk is acclaimed in conventional pancakes, it is far from the only possible option. Almond, soy, hazelnut, rice, or even coconut milk, many plant milks can integrate into lactose -free pancake recipes. However, we keep in mind that vegetable milk is not properly speaking milk, but a mixture of water and mixed oilseeds or oilseeds. Please note, this product containing a large part of water, it is more liquid and fluid than standard milk. It is therefore gradually added to its device based on flour + eggs to avoid having too liquid a result.

On the cooking side, whether the pancakes are gluten -free, lactose -free or classic, make sure to cook them in a very hot crêpère (with butter or a little oil) to immediately grab the dough, even lower the heat then if necessary not to burn them. Good candlestick!

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