Green, white, black or matcha, the different teas require the same ingredients: tea leaves and water. Although it seems extremely simple, there are nevertheless a few rules to follow to prepare the best tea possible.
Water quality
A hot infusion, whether tea or herbal tea, is made up of more than 95% water. Although water may seem like a neutral ingredient, it plays an essential role in preparing your tea. Avoid water that is too rich in minerals, calcium and magnesium, which can make your drink bitter and change its flavors. If possible, it is also best to avoid using plastic bottled water. Therefore, prefer tap water, filtered only to reduce the lime content.
Amount of tea
The dosage of tea is a crucial aspect to obtain a balanced and tasty infusion. The ideal dosage is around 5 g per 30 cl of water for lighter green teas and 2.5 g for other varieties. This dosage can vary depending on the type of tea, the size of the leaves, and personal taste of course. Be careful not to overdose your tea, as this risks making it bitter and unpleasant in the mouth. Furthermore, from an economic point of view, by using the correct quantity of tea your box of tea will last longer.
Water temperature
The temperature of the water used when brewing tea is a crucial element that greatly influences the taste of your tea. Please note that some teas require a short infusion to preserve their delicacy, while others benefit from a longer infusion to fully extract their aromas. The steeping time for herbal teas varies depending on the herbs, spices or flowers used. Whatever the variety of tea or infusion, strictly avoid boiling water which burns the leaves and negatively influences the taste, aroma and quality of the infusion. Generally, green and white teas are brewed between 70°C and 80°C. Too high a temperature will make them bitter and astringent. Black teas are brewed between 90°C to 95°C.
If you don’t have a kettle with a thermostat, use visual signs to estimate the water temperature. As the water begins to heat, you will notice slight simmering on the surface of the water, but without significant bubbles forming. This generally corresponds to a temperature below 70°C. When bubbles begin to form at the bottom of the kettle or saucepan, but have not yet risen to the surface, the temperature is around 75°C. If, on the contrary, the bubbles start to rise to the surface of the water more pronounced, the temperature is probably between 80°C and 90°C. When bubbles burst on the surface, this indicates that the water has reached its boiling point at 100°C and therefore the water is too hot for your brew.
Brewing time
Steeping time also varies depending on the type of tea. For green tea, 3 minutes, black teas, 4 minutes and white teas for 4 and 8 minutes. Using an hourglass or timer can be a useful tool to precisely control brewing time. Note that certain types of tea, like Moroccan mint tea or Oolong tea, require special infusions and preparations.
Tea, rich in antioxidants, helps reduce anxiety and the feeling of fatigue, but also improves concentration. These tips will allow you to fully enjoy the benefits of this drink, without altering its delicate aromas.