There are two types of potato. The so-called “primeur” and the “classic” potato.
Early and classic, what is the difference in conservation?
Early potatoes are “those that are collected at the start of the harvest. » A period which extends from July to September, when the fragility of the potato is greater. In this case, it is important to keep it cool. Apart from these three months of the year, the potato is called “classic”, keeping it “in a dry place and protected from light is enough”.
“Potatoes don’t like light”
The effects of light on potatoes
“If you expose potatoes to light for too long, they germinate and turn green quickly. » Indeed, light is a “signal” for the potato meaning that all conditions are favorable for growth, and therefore, for germination. As a result, stems appear, then leaves, on the surface of the potato. Nothing serious, just the arrival of future potatoes (if you plant everything in the ground).
From a more scientific point of view, when in contact with sunlight, potatoes produce chlorophyll, a pigment that turns them green. However, this greening also indicates that the potato is no longer ideal for consumption. For good reason, as the potato turns green, it develops solanine, a toxic substance which naturally protects the potato from insects and herbivores, and, unfortunately, a substance that can be harmful to human beings. It is therefore better to avoid eating potatoes if they are too sprouted. Otherwise, if the potato is not too soft and in good physical condition, remove the sprouts and green parts (and thus any trace of solanine), to enjoy it a little longer!