If someone had told me one day that I would eventually stop liking soda, I wouldn't have believed it. How did I get here? It all started during confinement, during this period, the habits of my family with whom I lived changed. No more soda, just water. As a result, the day I said to myself: “What if I drank a soda?” It’s been a long time,” I quickly became disillusioned.
Extremely sweet, chemical aftertaste, almost pasty in the mouth… A shock, as if I were drinking this drink for the first time. I immediately put down my glass. I was now so used to only drinking natural drinks (infusion, squeezed orange, water, etc.) that I was troubled: a “veil” had lifted.
As strange as it may seem, I didn't miss the sodas.
I rediscovered the taste of truth
In terms of drinks, when you have more than just water at home, you make room for teas, infusions, lemon water, or even coffee. After a few months, my palate very quickly got used to being “satisfied” with it. So much so that since then, I detect and can no longer tolerate excess sugar in sodas and any other drink. Today, drinking a soda means sipping a “chemical concentrate of sugar”.
A feeling that naturally made me loyal to artisanal drinks. Becoming aware of this chemical “aftertaste” of sodas, I began to identify it in any other industrial drink. Starting with modified fruit juices which are not 100% pure fruit, and in which I detect the presence of an almost bitter taste. Since then, I only drink pressed fruit.
Water, my new friend
From now on, it's no longer cans of soda that accompany my day but water. A more than beneficial change, since water, in addition to hydrating, improves transit, reduces feelings of bloating and keeps you in shape.
I fall asleep much faster
The first thing that stood out to me was how quickly I fell asleep. By stopping the sodas, I went from taking an hour to fall asleep to 15 minutes maximum. I used to drink soda even after dinner. A boost of energy caused by sugar, or even the presence of caffeine in certain drinks (like cola), when it was time to go to bed. By stopping this intake at the end of the day, I immediately noticed falling asleep more quickly, less restlessly, since my brain was no longer “in turmoil”.
Quitting soda regulated my hunger
During this three-month period when the opportunity to drink soda did not present itself, I did not miss it. Looking back, I am convinced that this is due to the beneficial effects it caused on my body. The first factor ? Regulating my blood sugar. Sodas are often high in added sugars (up to 11g of sugar per 100g of soda*), which causes a rapid increase in blood sugar levels after consumption. By stopping drinking soda, we reduce sugar intake, stabilize blood sugar levels and above all, say goodbye to cravings! I snacked very often, especially as a teenager, when soda was my daily pleasure: from late morning to dinner. The times when I realize this change the most are in the restaurant, when I ordered a soda to wait. Finally, once the dish was served, I was no longer really hungry, never finished my plate and wasted… Now, without sodas, no more snacking, I finish all my plates.
I can do better without sugar
Since “sugar attracts sugar”, reducing consumption can only reduce the desire for it. Having learned to appreciate the natural which I can no longer do without, I can no longer stand the idea of drinking an industrial drink. We may not realize it and yet a drink can very quickly turn into a “false friend”. In a bottle or can, it can be carried everywhere and can therefore be consumed at any time. This represents a frequent sugar intake during the day, almost “non-stop”, especially when you are addicted. Getting used to reducing your intake can only help reduce sugar cravings and you learn to reserve small pleasures for meal times.
Without soda, I have more energy
Goodbye blood sugar spikes! The blood sugar spike, caused when sugar levels rise rapidly in the blood, immediately increases energy. You will tell me that this is a good thing, but the glucose peaks only bring a temporary boost of energy. Result: a daily life punctuated by successive rises and falls of energy. Suffice to say that by stopping sodas (which then represented nearly 60% of my daily sugar consumption), I very quickly felt a difference.
I replaced industrial with natural drinks
Now, to treat myself, I favor pressed fruit, a glass of milk with a touch of maple syrup or cinnamon, as an alternative to sugar. It's delicious, sweet as it should be and above all, natural.