No more waste: don't throw away melon rinds anymore

It is the star of the summer: melon. This ball of freshness can be eaten as is, in balls, cubes, with or without mozzarella, and slices of raw ham, all after having extracted the rind and seeds. This action to prepare it often ends in the same way: the melon on the plate and the rind and seeds in the trash. Only, these leftovers are eaten! Here are some tips for reusing them in the kitchen and not just in compost, until your sunburn is relieved (in this summer period, you will need them more than ever.)

Cooking melon rind is possible

We do not recommend consuming the peel as is, however, keep it to make a marmalade, or even vinegar. Cut into pieces, in a saucepan with sugar, stir everything until you obtain a homogeneous mixture, and you will enjoy a superb jam rich in vitamins, which is different. Plan on an average of 800g of sugar for 1kg of peel, all garnished with lemon zest.

A little patience nevertheless for the preparation of a peel vinegar, since it will be necessary to rest for up to a week the peels in a mixture of sugar / white vinegar previously brought to the boil. All, in a jar. For the quantities of ingredients, everything depends on the size of the melon. For a medium-sized melon, plan on one liter of white vinegar and 60 g of sugar. Once ready, this vinegar will allow you to prepare pickles, enhance your salads or strawberry desserts.

Melon remains are recycled down to the seeds

Just like pine nuts, almonds or pumpkin seeds, toast your melon seeds. Remember to rinse them well in clean water beforehand, to avoid any remaining melon pulp sticking to them. Then, dry them using a cloth or paper towel, before putting them in the pan. While they are toasting, add whatever you want: salt, spices, seeds and it’s ready! And there you have it, a new appetizer.

Melon rind to soothe burns

Sunburn? Before buying a cream, save money and fight against waste, use your melon rinds. The pulp of the rind, which has the ability to capture heat, manages to calm any burning sensation and, at the same time, limits the risk of blisters that can cause sunburn. This grandmother’s tip is infallible: a melon rind placed, flesh side down, on burned skin, will relieve any sunburn. This operation should be repeated as many times as necessary, as soon as the rind becomes hot.

Now, all you have to do is plan on jars and preserves to accommodate your next melon leftovers.

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