Raclette: 4 vegetarian alternatives to replace cold meats

What can you replace cold meats with in a vegetarian raclette?

The vegetables

Whether you are vegetarian or not, adding a little vegetable to raclette is a good idea to lighten it, and above all to better digest it thanks to the fibers they contain. Of course, we opt for seasonal products, available in autumn and winter. Mushrooms, carrots, diced squash, cauliflower and broccoli florets, onions or endives will pair perfectly with raclette cheese. Be careful, although mushrooms can be cooked at the last minute on the grill, most vegetables require pre-cooking. In water, in the oven, or in the pan, it’s your choice, as long as it softens them. As for endive, it is served raw in salads, or caramelized.

Fans of the sweet-salty mixture will finally be able to slip slices of apples, pears and figs into their pan. Fall fruits tend to pair naturally with cheese.


They are a great alternative when you don’t eat meat, but need protein. Knowing that they work well with cheese, we can count on them for our vegetarian raclette. To do it well, place a little fat in a hot raclette pan, then break the egg in. Then heat the pan in the appliance. Once the white is cooked, you can take it out. Then cover with melted raclette cheese and vegetables and that’s it. The technique also works with beaten eggs, like an omelette. Alternatively, you can also cook fried eggs on the appliance’s grill.

Legumes and cereals

Chickpeas, dried beans, tofu, quinoa, and rice in the form of pancakes or balls can easily replace cold meats. Be careful though because they are very filling and quickly weigh down the plate if they are served with potatoes.
Halve the quantity of potatoes if you plan to offer legumes and grains.

Simulated meats

Fake bacon, seitan sausages or pea protein strips… Imitation meats, including plant-based products imitating the texture and flavors of meat, are increasingly numerous on the shelves. The advantage is that they allow you not to give up on taste pleasure. For a vegetarian raclette, you can add lardons, ham and bacon (vegetable of course), for an evening.
However, their consumption must remain occasional, because they are ultra-processed foods.

Who said raclette wasn’t veggie friendly?

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