How much water should you drink per day?
Daily :
Without calories or energy, water is nevertheless essential to life. It is thanks to water that the body, which is composed of 60% to 70% water, can use the energy present in all foods. Experts are unanimous that in a temperate climate, an adult expends on average more than 2 liters of body water per day. For someone who does not exercise, the usual recommendations are to drink between 1.5 to 2 liters. And for athletes who are very exposed to dehydration due to sweating, it is recommended that they drink an additional liter.
If you go for winter sports:
In winter sports, we don’t save ourselves. Whether you go hiking, downhill or cross-country skiing, or snowshoeing… the body makes significant efforts. To ensure movement while resisting the cold, it is important to hydrate regularly. The best ? Carry around with a bottle of water in a backpack.
On average, an adult needs 1.5 liters of water per day. As the body does not make reserves, neither in summer nor in winter, it is important to drink and stay hydrated to support the effort and optimize its performance.
This is why it is recommended to drink before but also after physical activity, because the loss of water caused by sweating continues over time after sports practice. If the cold does not awaken the desire to consume water during winter sports, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the thirst which manifests itself, particularly in cold weather, indicates that the dehydration process is already triggered. So don’t wait any longer to get your water bottle. In addition, we do not forget that water helps to “detoxify” the body. So don’t hesitate to hydrate in winter to counterbalance a tartiflette or raclette!
For further
In winter, the icy air dries out the entire human body and particularly the skin: hands, legs, faces visibly dry out. It is therefore important to ensure proper hydration of the epidermis, through the use of suitable creams and hygiene products. As the air is both drier outside (less water vapor in suspension) and inside heated homes, one of the best choices is to consume foods rich in water, such as fruits (pineapple, apples, pears, citrus fruits), vegetables – to be prepared, for example, in soups to maximize fluid intake – and dairy products. And obviously, water remains the only essential drink. To consume without moderation!