I trust the labels
This avoids unpleasant surprises from brands that claim to be green or fair without proving it. We memorize the most common ones like AB, Max Havelaar and, of course, Ecocert for clothing or Ecoproduits for home products. Useful: www.mescoursespourla planete.com/Labels distinguishes self-declaring commercial logos from real independent labels.
I'm turning locavore
A New Zealand kiwi emits 5 times its weight in CO2 to reach our plate! By buying local and seasonal, you limit greenhouse gas emissions linked to transport but also the damage caused by intensive cultivation. Useful: www.slowfood.fr, to be knowledgeable about the seasonality of fruits and vegetables.
I do my shopping in the right places
There is no shortage of responsible brands (Biocoop, Naturalia, Artisans du monde, Altermundi), but you can also stay loyal to your supermarket by targeting their green range in the food, household products or clothing sections (Agir Bio at Carrefour, Auchan Bio , Casino Bio, Monoprix Bio!…). Useful: presdecheznous.fr lists organic and ethical stores throughout France.
I don't throw “idiot” anymore
This can be anticipated from the moment of purchase by limiting all-disposable items, such as razors or fountain pens (yes, they exist!), by preferring the board to flying Post-its, by replacing coffee filters with a permanent filter (or with an Italian coffee maker!), by limiting overpackaging thanks to the “bulk” sections of supermarkets…
I adopt the “refuel attitude” (or recharge attitude)
Buying refills instead of buying a container of laundry detergent, filling your bottle (to purchase on www.gobilab.com) with water when traveling (or at the office) rather than purchasing more plastic bottles, is a good reflex.
I measure the energy impact of my purchases
The idea is not to become “low-tech” or to throw away your iPad but to favor high-tech equipment or household appliances that consume the least energy. Useful: the sites www.guidetopten.com and www.ademe.fr
I buy second hand or recycled
Take advantage of the second life of an object or piece of furniture, it's trendy, whether in vintage stores or at Emmaüs. And we opt for the Electrolux Green vacuum cleaner, made from recycled plastic, equipped with bags made from cornstarch, €179. Good to know: “upcycling”, or luxury recycling, exists! Like the “Petit h” line from Hermès or the organic leather bags from Jérôme Dreyfuss. Or how to satisfy your thirst for glam and stay responsible!