For certain foods, such as fresh produce and meat, it is imperative to throw them away once the expiration date has passed, as their deterioration can pose a serious health risk. However, for eggs the situation is different.
How long to store eggs?
Eggs have a longer shelf life than many other foods, even past the expiration date listed on the package. This is due to their protective shell which helps prevent bacterial contamination. To get started, remember that the recommended consumption date (RDD) indicated on the box of your eggs corresponds to 28 days after laying.
In practice therefore, your eggs remain edible well beyond this period, provided that they have not suffered any damage to the shell. But also that they have been properly stored, cool and dry for the first 28 days. Therefore, you can eat an egg for up to four additional weeks, when stored in optimal conditions.
Checking that an egg is still good
To check if an egg is still edible after its expiration date, you can do a simple test: immerse the egg in a bowl of water. If the egg remains at the bottom of the glass, it means it is still fresh and can be safely consumed within the next 24 hours. If the egg floats completely on the surface of the water, this indicates that it is expired and should not be consumed. If the egg remains between the two situations, that is to say it does not float completely but it does not rest completely on the bottom either, this means that it has aged and must be eaten quickly, preferably well cooked.
Cook the eggs
From 0 to 9 days after laying, your eggs are considered “extra-fresh”. You can use them for all your preparations, especially those that require little or no cooking: mayonnaise, carbonara pasta or even soft-boiled pasta.
Between 9 and 28 days after laying, you can use them in recipes requiring partial or complete cooking, such as omelettes, quiches or even egg casseroles.
Beyond 28 days after laying, eat your eggs exclusively cooked, preferably boiled. Use them in particular in cake batters, or simply in hard-boiled eggs.