The problem is that by hearing certain expressions, our brain considers them to be correct. Indeed, this phenomenon, which is called the “illusory truth effect”, tends to make erroneous information credible! Hello fake news… In cooking, it’s the same thing. Words and expressions are repeated, written, and retransmitted so much that we think they are correct, even though it is more akin to the “by rote” method by which every schoolchild acquires his knowledge.
So we said to ourselves, even if it means leaving a trace of our passage on this earth, why not also enrich this fabulous culinary lexicon with our own expressions, invented from all sides, but which could one day – who knows – shine throughout the world? internationally, like “crème brûlée” which has never found a translation into the language of Shakespeare?
A little glossary of crazy kitchen words
Cardinalize : cook the shells of crustaceans until they are red. Obviously, it was a trap since this word does exist, but let’s be honest, we would have liked to invent it!
Light up : action of using a blowtorch. Because writing/saying “burn with a blowtorch” each time takes so long that it’s already burned!
Kohlantize : another expression to talk about fasting, much more cathodic, and die-hard.
Landaiser : add foie gras or duck breast to a recipe, or both. The generosity of the South-West!
Instagram : add here and there little daisies, dreamlike sprigs of wild herbs, and perlimpinpin powder for an ultra-instagrammable dish.
Hazelnut : cook the butter until it is brown. Admit it, it’s cute, “can you give me some butter?” »
Airtight : prepare macarons to perfection, without cracks and with a collar. Who better than the king of the macaroon to illustrate these sweet treats?
Tatin : like tarte tatin, turn any food over to show a caramelized underside. Not to be confused with the common “spread” which obviously does not have the same meaning!
Topchef : the expression speaks for itself. This obviously means preparing cromesquis, ballotines, while “starting with a recipe” or “adding an ingredient”. And if the dish is “feminine”, then it’s a hit!
Vachequiriser : action of integrating the famous little triangular cheese into any preparation.
We would have liked to add the name “chocolate” but as all southerners know, this name exists, and this debate will still take place for centuries, centuries.