The neglected and often forgotten cork plays a crucial role in the preservation of wine, protecting its aroma and flavor. It also has antimicrobial and naturally insulating properties which make it a real ally in the fight against pests, bad odors and humidity.
Keep midges away
Attracted by the odors emanating from decomposing matter, including those of fruits and vegetables left in the open air, flies and gnats sometimes invade our kitchens and our fruit baskets. To keep them away, there is a simple and ecological tip, which you probably would not have thought of. Instead of throwing away the cork from your wine bottles, place it cut in half in a fruit basket. Equipped with a natural substance called suberin, cork produces an odor that insects do not like. Thus, by using corks to stopper our bottles, we effectively avoid the intrusion of these little flying pests who often seek to delight in sugary liquids. In addition, obviously make sure to keep your kitchen clean, quickly throw away overripe or damaged fruit, and regularly check for standing water or rotting food, as these factors can also attract gnats.
Preserve fruit
If you store fruit in a wicker basket or other airy container, place a cork in the bottom of the basket. This will help absorb moisture that could build up and cause rotting of fruit in contact with the bottom of the basket. Corks can also help absorb ethylene gas, a natural hormone released by fruit that speeds up the ripening process. By reducing the concentration of ethylene in the storage environment, corks can help slow the ripening process of fruits and keep them fresh longer.
Although corks help extend the shelf life of fruit, other factors such as temperature, humidity and proper handling of fruit are also important in maintaining freshness. Make sure you store your fruits in optimal conditions, inspect them regularly to eliminate any damaged fruit that could cause others to rot and, above all, be careful to carefully select the fruits you mix in your fruit basket. Apples in particular are climacteric fruits, which produce ethylene, which are best not mixed with other fruits and vegetables.
Eliminate Refrigerator Odors
In the same way that they absorb moisture, the cork also works by absorbing odors helping to keep your fridge fresh. To do this, simply put the cork somewhere in the refrigerator, preferably where it will not be disturbed when opening and closing the door. A central location, such as on a shelf, is often ideal. Replace the cork every few days to maintain its effectiveness. If you notice that odors are returning despite the cork, you can add a few drops of essential oil (such as lemon or mint) to the cork to freshen the air.
You will have understood, the cork is a clever tool to always have in your kitchen!