You should know that these two classes of foods each have advantages and disadvantages. Meat and fish provide proteins of high biological quality, adapted to the nutritional needs of humans, and containing all the essential amino acids. At this level, there is no preference for one source or the other.
Meats under the microscope
If we are interested in red meat (like beef or lamb), it is its richness in iron which makes it its main interest. You should know that iron is rare in foods, and is always very poorly assimilated (15% of the iron in meat is assimilated compared to 1% of the iron in plants). However, children, adolescents, girls and also women are all iron deficient, even though they absolutely need it! It will also be found in offal, egg yolk, and shellfish such as oysters or mussels. Other meats such as veal, pork, and poultry contain a little less iron, and fish, even less.
But red meats, such as beef and lamb, are relatively fatty, unlike pork and poultry which are less fatty (provided you remove the pork rind and poultry skin). But if you pay attention to your figure, you should know that a rib or chop of any meat will always be fattier than a fillet. And regarding pork, it is its richness in group B vitamins which makes it interesting, compared to other meats.
Fish under the microscope
Small summary of the different types of fish.
We call “blue” fish mackerel, sardines, salmon (rich in good fat) and tuna. You should know that tuna is not an oily fish, but is still 50% richer than other fish, which makes it much more filling.
As for white fish, we think of sole, dab, cod, pollack, sea bream.
There are also dried or salted fish, which must be rehydrated and/or desalinated.
And finally fish smoked or preserved in oil or salt, such as anchovies. Be careful, these fish are very fatty and contain substances that are carcinogenic, so you should not eat them regularly.
How often should you eat meat or fish?
Concerning consumption, for an adult or a child, a single meal per day with meat or fish (portion of 100 to 120 g) is sufficient. Regarding the other main meal of the day, no need for eggs or ham (which is also part of the meats). Weekly, it is recommended to eat meat or eggs five times, and fish twice, including blue fish once. And for those who love it, seafood is also a perfect and often affordable solution.
Which cooking method should you prefer?
You should especially avoid foods smoked and grilled on a barbecue (or “incinerated”, which contain very toxic black traces). Finally, it is preferable to vary between all the cooking options (steam, foil, grilled, pan-fried, in the oven, in a casserole, fried or braised) to benefit from the advantages and the specific taste linked to each cooking.