Sugar desires: 5 foods to avoid cracking

It is not a novelty: the French consume too much sugar on a daily basis. Sometimes despite themselves, especially in products rich in added sugars. If it causes an immediate feeling of pleasure, it is also able to trigger a real addictive effect on our brain and in the long term, harmful consequences on our health: fatigue, increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disorders … Despite these risks, a French consumes on average, 95 g of sugar per day, almost four times more than the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), which recommends a maximum of 25 g per day. Fortunately, there are healthy tips and alternatives to compensate for our sweet desires without compromising our health.


For some people, eat a salty food and – in this case – acid calm the desires of sugar. We grant you, crunching a pickle instead of a sugar refinery is a bit unusual, but its acidity and its sharp flavor will keep the desire for sweet. Composed at 95 % water, pickle is a low glycemic index food and its richness in water makes it an excellent hunger. In addition, acetic acid, present in vinegar, helps regulate blood sugar and therefore avoid other cravings.

Favor fruit

If you are not convinced by the idea of ​​the pickle, the best alternative to sugar remains the consumption of fresh fruit. In addition to their naturally sweet flavor, they contain fibers that slow down the absorption of sugar by the body. Favor seasonal fruit, cut into small pieces. Among the most effective fruits against sugar desires, try the apple, rich in fiber and satisfying.

Opt for dark chocolate

If you cannot resist the call of chocolate, choose dark chocolate containing at least 80 % cocoa. It is much less sweet than milk chocolate and contains antioxidants beneficial for health.

Drink a hot (or cold) drink

Sometimes hydrating is enough to calm a desire for sugar. So drink a large glass of water, a cup of flavored tea or herbal tea, obviously added sugar, or even coconut water, which benefits from a slight natural sweet taste.

Bet on cinnamon

Cinnamon is a regulatory spice of blood sugar levels, which therefore helps reduce insulin peaks responsible for your sweets. You can therefore add to your yogurts, compotes or infusions. Otherwise, it is also possible to use it as an essential oil by breathing it for a few seconds.

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