You didn't know it, but these 10 foods never expire

01. Salt
Salt may seem like a no-brainer, but it is essential for tasty cooking. Without necessarily overdoing it, with its role as a flavor enhancer, it enhances the flavor of the foods it is paired with. And since it doesn’t expire, you can take advantage of it to flavor it as you wish: with dried herbs like thyme, rosemary, or aromatics like slices of dried garlic.

02. Sugar
Good news for those who never finish their packet of sugar, it does not expire! White, brown, brown sugar, muscovado, rapadura, no matter the type, it will always be ready when you need it.

03. Cornstarch
Cornstarch will never let us down and that’s great news! Slipped into a cake batter to lighten it or to thicken a cream, this cornstarch has only advantages.

04. White wine vinegar
White wine vinegar is the all-purpose food (a bit like lemon or bicarbonate): it is perfect in the kitchen (hello poached eggs!) and for making your interior shine and having taps worthy of the best decoration magazines.

05. Honey
Honey is a commodity that sees time pass without a hitch. Delicious on toast, pancakes, slipped into cakes, yogurt or fromage blanc, it will always be at its best!

06. White rice
Don’t panic about white rice, it will always remain perfect, month after month. Good news for fans of risotto, rice pudding and other sushi.

07. Maple syrup
No, maple syrup does not expire, but it can sometimes crystallize slightly on the edge of the bottle and that’s okay. Enjoy it raw with Greek yogurt, slipped into homemade ice cream with crème fraîche, or to top a whole host of pancakes, of course.

08. Dried vegetables
Legumes are so-called “dry” vegetables that do not contain water and must be rehydrated before consumption. And it is thanks to this particularity that they can be preserved for an excessively long time.

09. Pasta
Ah, pasta, our allies of always that support seasonings and untimely culinary improvisations, have the advantage of not going off. In dry version and preserved in airtight containers, they will always be there when we need them. Be careful, fresh pasta, on the other hand, has an extremely short shelf life.

10. Coconut oil
Coconut oil, in addition to being used in all our dishes and desserts, keeps very well. Good news for enjoying its good fatty acids for a long time to come.

As a bonus

11. Spices
Spices are a special case. They don’t expire in the literal sense of the word, and you can use them for a very long time, but in the long run, they lose their taste. And losing taste for a spice is pretty silly!

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